Celebrating CulTUral Uniqueness (CCU@TU) was our response to the climate on diversity and inclusion at Tiffin University (TU) in 2016. We knew on campus, we needed to embrace diversity, 公平与包容. We wanted to ensure that TU was a place where every student had a voice, 能自由地做自己,被重视吗, and could celebrate their culture and their uniqueness on campus every day. As academics, we did the first thing that we always do when we’re starting a new project: We conducted interviews and did our research. 我们和教职工谈过, staff, 校园里的学生, 我们咨询了社区成员, 看看其他学校是怎么做的, 我们阅读了所有能亲自动手的东西. 我们进行了焦点小组讨论,并分析了数据. From our research, we came up with something that worked for us and that we planned to sustain. Tiffin University is exceptionally unique in its approach to DEI, and our goal is to widely promote the science of what we have discovered.
At TU, 国际学生 make up 10% of the student population. Our students represent 47 states, Washington DC, Puerto Rico and 45 countries.
Out of 258 full-time employees, 14% identify as non-Caucasian. 就全职教师而言, 17% identify as non-Caucasian and in terms of our full-time staff, 12%的人认为自己是非白种人.
When I decided to come to Tiffin University, I was worried about how the change would be. 我来自加州, and choosing to attend school across the country was a big one for my family and me. Tiffin University, however, made that transition so much easier for me. 这所大学提倡文化多样性, 通过他们的校园活动, I was able to find people who thought like me but also others who had opposing views. 这最终拓宽了我的视野.
作为一个来自克利夫兰的俄亥俄人, there was some cultural shock from going from a bigger city to a small town like Tiffin. However, I believe that change made me more receptive to not only different cultures but other perspectives as well. Tiffin University is a diverse campus that is proud to be just that. And with the tools I’ve received in navigating cultural differences, 我相信我已经为大学毕业后的生活做好了准备.
在博士的领导下. Schumacher, in 2016 Tiffin University (TU) embarked on an effort called 庆祝文化独特性(CCU), now called CCU@TU. The initiative began as a focus to strengthen our approach to diversity and inclusion in order to be able to foster a culture of openness to diversity of thought and this action was not because we were not already promoting diversity, but because we could do better and our student body of which approximately 44% are either domestically and globally diverse, deserve this. 你的管理员, faculty, staff and students wanted to show a strong attitude for embracing, welcoming, 庆祝多样性和包容性, moreover, become known internally and externally as an institution that educates, develops and prepares individuals for the realities of the world in which we live and work.
Our commitment fosters inclusive excellence through celebrating cultural uniqueness in an environment that is welcoming, 理解不同的观点, affirming, 对所有人都是安全的. The collaborative strategic alignment of the Councils for Academic Experience, 扩大机会, and Talent & Engagement cultivates the opportunity to support and maintain an educational and working environment which promotes a commitment to inclusive excellence.
The initiative has grown into a commitment and now encompasses both internal and external cultural competency education and training, 更新和相关的TU学生课程, 以及围绕这些主题的学生编程. The next phase is to start a Center to house and build on these endeavors.
Culture is defined as “the characteristics and knowledge of a particular group of people defined by everything from language, religion, cuisine, social habits, music, and arts.(齐默尔曼,2015). 在博彩平台推荐, we have more than one culture at play; the campus culture and the individual culture each person encompasses. 这个镜头在我们的工作中是必不可少的. 庆祝文化的独特性, 不排除多样性的重要性吗, 公平与包容. 下面详细介绍.
Celebrating CulTUral Uniqueness: The Center for InterculTUal Excellence
We made a commitment in 2016 and have far exceeded our goals. Not only do we graduate culturally competent students, 但我们对教职员工进行了培训, hosted phenomenal speakers and created our own internal and external training programs. Furthermore, we have developed a curriculum that doesn’t just benefit Tiffin University, 还有其他组织. The next step is to create and staff a Center to centralize and manage all of these facets and to continue to develop and grow our initiatives and strategic goals.